Grand View Creative

Integrated campaigns

Capture your prospect's attention with a compelling subject line and them to a landing page...get them to buy, subscribe or engage...then follow up with cross-sells, upsells and related retention efforts.

Joint Renewal

Our radio hosts devoted 30 minutes to a Joint Renewal push pointing people to this landing page with a very special, "radio only" offer.


The MytoActivator campaign started with an SEO/PPC effort driving prospects to a landing page and ultimately an order page. Follow-up was soft, simply reinforcing the buying decision.


Snuz Pillow

Prospect were driven to a landing page and order page via radio spots. Buyers then received three follow-up emails reinforcing the buying decision and offering a discount for additional purchases.

Restless Leg Cream

Prospects were driven to a landing page from both TV and radio spots. An order page captured the order and buyers received three follow-up emails.

Tavern cafe

An outbound email drove prospects to a landing and order page. Buyers then received three follow-up emails pushing for up- and cross-sales.